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Vecna monster manual

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Vecna monster manual 



Vecna monster manual - The Monsters

  Vecna (pronounced: /ˈvɛknɑː/ VEK-nah) was a once-human king and lich from Oerth who ascended to godhood. Monster Manual 2 4th edition. Vecna is a fictional character appearing in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game Vecna appears in the revised Player's Handbook () for Dungeons. We've got D&D Vecna facts for you, whether you're a fan of WotC DnD 5e, A massive monster like D&D Vecna is an important part of TTRPG. (Monster Manual p.9). Vecna's statistics in 5e would thus depend entirely on how challenging you intend him to be in your campaign. First Appearance: Race to the Tower · Encounter Appearance: Vecna, the Ascended · Armor Class 23 · Truesight, Unmastered Omniscience · 5. ❿  

Vecna monster manual.Let's Read the 4e Monster Manual 3: Secret of Vecna

  Download as PDF Printable version. If you want him to be challenging even to level 20 PCs, give him stronger abilities. You May Also Like. Regarding the field itself, dividing the battlefield from the simple octagon to the floating debris gave the battle a feeling of finality. At minimum, he's a CR21 base lich, which would be a reasonable fight for high level PCs. He eventually became an antagonist in the world of Greyhawk, reimagined as a lich who attained demigod status. Vecna Lives! The Eye and the Hand of Vecna, his only physical remains for a time. One of the groups tricked the other into going on a quest for the Head of Vecna , a hoax artifact that was supposedly similar to his Hand and Eye , but was simply an ordinary severed head.❿    


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According to Vecna's own accounts, his mortal mother was a wholly evil woman who sacrificed animals and consorted with monstrous beings. It was her cruelty that helped shape the man he was in life and undeath. Vecna had something of a working relationship with Asmodeus , the powerful archdevil having offered the archlich use of his devil minions.

He had two known exarchs : Falazure the Night Dragon, [38] and allegedly, Vocar the Disobedient, [39] the latter of whom was rumored to possess a powerful secret regarding Vecna himself. Vecna was obsessed with taking revenge on his vampire lieutenant Kas for the legendary betrayal he committed against his master on Oerth. The Whispered One was a sworn enemy of the Raven Queen , whom he envied for her unique abilities to tap into the flow of souls and to harvest knowledge.

One of his goals was to overthrow the Queen and rule the entire Shadowfell from her Fortress of Memories. His servants constantly battled with the Raven Queen's shadar-kai followers.

As a demigod, Vecna sought to attain dominion over time from the god Pelor , as it as a concept stood in opposition to the existence of lichdom, [42] and was considered an enemy of the deity Hlal. Vecna sought to destroy other gods in order to garner more power for himself. Some sages also claimed that Vecna had laid out traps for wizards seeking forbidden secrets in their quest for power. Those wizards that stumbled upon those traps were transformed into nothics.

Many academics believed Vecna was the original author of the Book of Vile Darkness , [26] [46] which later received additions from other evil scholars. He crafted a number of spells including Vecna's conflagration and Vecna's Ultimate Abjuration , the latter of which could theoretically protect liches from the powers of gods. He was also believed to be the creator of the pearl of secrets , a sentient pearl of power that compelled its owner to seek out Vecna's hand and eye.

A holy symbol of Vecna. The cult of Vecna acted in secret for much of the Arch-Lich's existence and were emboldened upon his ascension to godhood. Vecna attracted among his worshipers a notable number of kenkus , [54] half-fiends , [55] and even some neogi.

Among Vecna's worshipers was a secret society referred to as the Halls of Secrets. They believed that knowledge was the most pure form of power, and only those that made the effort to fully understand the nature of that knowledge were worthy of the power that accompanied it. They maintained anonymity while parsing through all the accumulated knowledge in their possessions, in order to fully assess and judge its value.

It only attracted members that were unconcerned with morality or ethics. The Eyes of Vecna was an order of Vecna's followers that strove to keep knowledge and secrets from those considered unworthy to possess them. It operated in small cells of a handful of individuals. Temples of Vecna were known to have been built in Gloomwrought [59] [60] and Zerthadlun. Vecna's early life was clouded in legend and contradiction. Most accounts stated that he was originally a human wizard from Oerth, although some reports claimed that he was a half-elf.

One theory states Vecna was taught by Orcus how to achieve undeath, eventually leading to his becoming one of the most powerful liches in existence. In one of his earliest battles, Vecna was nearly destroyed by clerics of the Oerthian god Pelor, but was spared annihilation by one of his most trusted lieutenants—and former apprentice— [66] the half- demon called Acererak.

And Memory Ripper is another ranged attack targetting Will and doing light psychic damage with an awesome rider. Targets hit by this spell are prevented from using encounter or daily attack powers, and any utility powers save ends. After the Enigma is bloodied, Horrific Visage triggers and it transforms into a straightforward melee combatant.

Its only attack from that point on is Rend Flesh , which does heavy physical damage. This is a more powerful caster who failed Vecna in some way.

Maybe they failed on a mission given to them by the god, or failed to share a secret with Vecna after discovering it. Or maybe they just dug too deep and looked into matters forbidden to one of their rank. Spell Howlers are powerful enough to not need weapons.

Vecna lost his left hand and an eye to the sword of Kas. He managed to banish Kas to a realm known as Cavitius, but Vecna was still destroyed. Once enough cults and followers were amassed, he was reborn as a demigod. He did try to ascend to full godhood, but Vecna ended up banished to Cavitius himself — which was then transformed into a Domain of Dread in Ravenloft.

Remember when we said Vecna lost his eye and hand? Quadratic Wizard Quadratic Wizard Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged dnd-5e monsters campaign-settings critical-role-show. The Overflow Blog. CEO update: Eliminating obstacles to productivity, efficiency, and learning.

Accessibility Update: Colors. Related Hot Network Questions. Question feed. In the events of the Living Greyhawk campaign setting, Vecna's machinations allowed him to reappear on the prime material plane and retake his place in the Oerth pantheon.

At some point in his history, Vecna penned a tome known as Ordinary Necromancy. Vecna has few allies, and countless enemies. In 2nd and 3rd Edition, his greatest, and perhaps only true ally is the mysterious entity known as the Serpent. The famed cambion lich, Acererak , once served Vecna, but the current status of their relationship is unknown. He is also opposed by the Old Faith and the Silent Ones. In 4th edition, Vecna's main foes in the realm of death and undeath are Kas , Orcus and the Raven Queen though he would rather she rule the dead than Orcus.

Among the gods, Ioun is something of Vecna's antithesis, for she would share with the world all the knowledge he would keep secret. Vecna's cult is very secretive, and cells have been uncovered, at various points in history, in Diamond Lake , Greyhawk , and Verbobonc. Temples to Vecna have also been reported in the Pomarj town of Highport and Erelhei-Cinlu , the debased city at the heart of the Vault of the Drow.

Being a secretive cult, there are no real collections of Vecnan teachings. However, copies of the Book of Vile Darkness are highly prized by the cult for Vecna's role in that work's development. The Open Grave book offers the "Scroll of Mauthereign", which offers a twisted version of Vecna's history and tells his followers that committing evil acts is holy and righteous. Although not actually penned by Vecna, the Book of Keeping a book of Yugoloth summoning is heavily linked with the cult of Vecna, as the cultists have the only known copies that are free of the intentional errors introduced into the book by the fiends that wrote the volume as a trap for would-be summoners.

Each position in Vecna's cult is named for a certain body part. At the top is Vecna himself, followed by the Voice of Vecna, which can only be filled by Vecna's manifestation. Next is the Heart of Vecna, the high priest of the cult.

Immediately below the Heart of Vecna are two bizarre monsters known as the Hand and the Eye. The Eye of Vecna creature appears as a slender humanoid with an eyeball for a head, whereas the Hand of Vecna appears as a stocky humanoid with a huge left hand where its head should be. Individual congregations are known as organs.

Each organ is led by a Thought of Vecna. Lesser priests are known as Memories of Vecna. The Teeth of Vecna are made up of wizards , and specialize in arcane spellcasting and crafting magical items for the cult. The Fingers of Vecna consist mainly of thieves , who engage in various forms of subterfuge.

The Blood of Vecna are mainly warriors charged with protection and enforcement of the cult and its goals. The Spawn of Vecna are the lowest in the cult hierarchy, and consist of the common people who honor the Lich Lord.

In 4th edition, the Open Grave book shows the leader of the cult of Vecna is a lich named Mauthereign. Media References and Puns for Become a Patron! Another fails, scattered. And a fourth: scattered. Laudna's Dex Save of 15 takes 45 force damage.

Her Temp HP is just keeping her alive.

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